Saturday, November 9, 2013


Some of you know that I publish our church bulletin and have been doing so for many years.  I rarely proof read them but let Doyal do the "honors."  Good writers always proof their own work first, so you ask me why I don't do the same.  Here's why.......when I first read my work I am convinced it is shallow, very few people will be interested or get any benefit from it and it wasn't worth the effort.  You ask again....Then why do you bother?  Several reasons come to mind.  There are some things of interest in our bulletins such as the prayer list, Bible questions, a few "thoughts to ponder" etc.  My article, however is mainly written because I love to write.  I love to get my thoughts on paper and I always pray at least someone will get something beneficial from them. 
Several years ago we had a family who worshiped and worked with us for many years.   He always encouraged me.  Even if he didn't comment on the bulletin we knew he read it because he didn't begin participating in the worship until he finished the bulletin.  I knew he was a Bible student and valued his input.  When they moved on I missed the assurance that not only was the bulletin being read but it had value to at least one person.
This brother in Christ is now a dean at one of our Christian Universities and occasionally he will send a short email or private message on Facebook mentioning something in the bulletin.
The Lord knows when a person needs encouraging about one thing or another and it seems He sends that encouragement at just the right time.  I received such encouragement from my friend just the other day when I received the following:
I have meant to write you for a couple of days and I never do it when I am thinking about it, so I am doing it now. I wanted to compliment you for the Lawrenceburg bulletin article related to cancer. I think that is one of the most pertinent church bulletin articles I've ever read. I particularly think given the struggles people at Lawrenceburg are facing with cancer it was very useful.
Since it meant this much to him I thought maybe some of you might benefit from it as well.  It follows:

This article will begin with a "disclaimer." I am by no means a doctor, nurse or any part of the medical profession. As a mother of many children over the years however, I can detect a fever, a tummy ache, a broken bone (most of the time) and definitely an open wound! I have become more knowledgeable concerning medical issues, and especially cancer, during the past five and a half months. With this in mind I believe I have enough knowledge and experience to write this for you and me to ponder.

Cancer is not something any of us desire. It is no fun. The treatment can make one extremely sick and, at times, I am sure those being treated wonder if it might be better to accept the cancer than to go through the treatment. Radiation and chemotherapy take a toll on the body even though these treatments are also killing the cancer. Through aggressive treatment the white blood cells sometimes drop dangerously low. Also, blood transfusions, etc. must be administered in many cases. During all of this the patient needs to take in nutrition in order to build up the body. The hard, and sometimes seemingly impossible, part of this is that nothing tastes good. In fact, everything tastes awful and many things make one sick to the point of throwing up violently.
Is cancer a no-win situation? I think not! Our bodies are worth fighting for and especially when we use them to the glory of God.
I have learned many things during the past five and a half months. I have learned when things are depleted in the body they have to be replenished. The same is true with our spiritual bodies. There are times we are spiritually depleted and we need a "blood transfusion." This can come through encouragement from others, help in one way or another or by falling to our knees and handing all of our burdens over to God.
At other times we might not be completely depleted but in need of building our spiritual bodies back up. There are times we don’t’ want to "eat spiritual food." We are tired, depressed, discouraged, etc. but if we force ourselves to study God’s word, seek answers and accept what we find we can build ourselves up just as forcing our physical bodies to eat, even though we don’t feel like it. Perhaps the lessons we are learning from God’s word do not "taste" good. We don’t want to heed them and yet forcing ourselves will strengthen us spiritually.
Other great lessons I have learned are these:
1. Cancer brings people closer! I have gotten close to people I never knew....doctors, patients and especially nurses. But, in this particular case I have seen our little church family unite in ways I never dreamed of. This has truly been a blessing for many of us.
2. We should humble ourselves and learn to accept help graciously! We should not feel obligated to "pay back." Instead, a good idea would be to "pay it forward" in the future.
3. We should go into any situation with a smile on our faces (if at all possible) and a positive attitude. I have been told that one of the best ways to fight any health issue is with a positive attitude and I believe it.
4. We should share with those closest to us. If we are the one suffering find someone who will listen without being judgmental. Remember, "A burden shared is a burden halved."
5. We should be willing to listen to those who are suffering. Cry with them, laugh with them, hold them, love them!
And lastly.....I personally would like to thank our sweet sister, Margie for allowing me to make this journey with her. It has been one of the hardest journeys I have ever encountered. It has also been one of the most rewarding. I have experienced things I never imagined and met people with extreme courage and such upbeat attitudes. Thank you once again, my friend!"
This was inspired by  the influence our friend, Margie has had on all of our little Church Family here at Lawrenceburg.  You can read more about her in a precious post if you are interested. 
I would be remiss not to thank my dear friend for his continued encouragement.  Thank you, my friend!!!!


  1. Your posts get better and better. Always praying for Margie!

  2. You are so sweet to comment here.

    Today Margie was feeling great.....the old Margie. Dottie, Margie, Daddy and I along with kids, Josh, Emily and Mikayla all went to Frishes. Like old times when she felt good an felt like eating!

  3. Beautifully written Drue. It's a journey none of us want to experience in our lives, but more and more of us do whether through ourselves or those we love.

  4. Thanks for your comment, Becky. It means a lot to know people are reading the blog.
