Saturday, October 19, 2013

What Goes Around, Comes Around

I suppose "what goes around comes around" as the old saying goes. It certainly did with us.
I had wanted a house dog for quite sometime and every time I mentioned getting one Doyal would have the excuse that he would be retiring "soon" and we would travel. A dog would not be a good idea as we couldn’t travel with one. That didn’t make a lot of sense to me as I figured a small dog would be an ideal traveling companion. But, being the good wife that I am, I put a dog on the back least for a short while.
And then the question arose......"What in the world can I get the most wonderful man on earth for our 38th anniversary" (this was in 1991).
Back then I always read the classified ads and, wouldn’t you know, right there in front of me was an ad for Cocker Spaniel puppies for sale. It must have been "meant to be", don’t you think? Well, maybe not, because remember I’d been wanting a house dog for awhile.
April 3, 1991 I drove miles and miles and picked out the cutest little puppy ever. She came home with me and was waiting under a towel on the kitchen table when Doyal came home from work the day before our anniversary. I was so excited and rushed him in to "open" his gift. Just as he got ready to lift the towel it moved!
"Is this a dog?" he inquired as he frowned and lifted the towel.

These pictures were taken the night I brought Annie home.
That’s all it took! Who couldn’t fall in love instantly with a fluffy two and a half pound, 7 week old, active puppy! Soon her name was Annie (named because she was an anniversary present.) She became his dog and continued as such until her death in 2008. A very long and happy life with a few glitches now and then. Someday I’ll tell you about her adventures with Clancy, our Golden Retriever, as well as other events in her life.
Clancy in the huge fur ball and Annie is the tiny blond pup introducing herself.  He accepted her right away and they had many adventures throughout Clancy's life.  He took her on several neighborhood jaunts before we found their escape route.
Here is Annie when she wasn't even a year old.  She loved the grandchildren and they loved to play with her.  You can see how much Stephanie enjoyed it as well.  By the way, Stephanie is expecting her first child, a little boy, in March.  I wonder if he will have as much fun with the dogs we have now as his mother did with Annie.
I have many more pictures of our sweet Annie but won't post them here.  She had a long and full life.  She traveled more miles than many humans.  Some of her trips took her to Tennessee, Alabama, Arkansas and Oklahoma.  She survived much as well.  I think had she been able to speak she would have agreed her 17 years and 4 months on this earth were about the best any dog could ask for.
One of these days I might tell you about her last day on earth and her death and burial.
My next post will be all about the title of this post......"What Goes Around Comes Around."


  1. Thanks for reading and commenting, Claudia. One day I'll have to tell about her death and all you did that day!
