Monday, September 16, 2013

Is it Worth it?

Do you remember when ads like this were popular?  Such a refined lady in her fancy hat and clothing, drinking her steaming cup of coffee and relaxing with a cigarette.
When I  was growing up in the 1940's and early 1950's ads like this were popular.  Although I did not personally know any women who smoked until the early 1950's just about every man I knew smoked.  It was not only popular, but manly back then. 
I often comment, "If we only knew back then what we know now no one would smoke."
Of course this isn't true as we do know it now and yet people not only continue to smoke but start smoking.  Am I anti-smoking?  You bet your life I am!  Do I realize that it is a strong addiction that is hard to stop?  Again, you bet your life I do and I feel for people who battle this struggle every day of their lives until they, with the help of God, conquer it.
So, that brings me to our sweet friend Margie who smoked for several years....about 20 and quit about 3 years ago.  She struggled with it and we encouraged her every way we could.  My husband, a former smoker, felt her struggle and pain more than I and empathized with her.  But, it was too late when she quit.
In June she was diagnosed with Stage 3, inoperable lung cancer.  She began aggressive chemo and radiation therapy right away.  This was finished in late July and more scans were run only to find out that, though the tumor has shrunk, it is still present, so she is undergoing more chemo.
That brings us to today!  She had a rough weekend and went in the first thing this morning for fluids.  Blood work was drawn to find that her white blood cells are very low....should be between 4 and 10.6 and they are 0.4 and platelets are way down as well.  She was given meds to help her immune system and we are all wearing masks when we are around her. We are waiting to hear when she can get a blood transfusion which might be as early as tonight. At the moment she is resting in our upstairs "suite".....using that word loosely.  :)  I have an ear open for her while Doyal has gone to get young Josh and do some shopping.
God continues to remain in control and we are trusting that she will pull through, defeat this awful affliction and live many more years to serve Him and to see her young son grow into maturity.
Are the joys of a few smokes over the years worth it?  As I sit here with my heart breaking for our "adopted daughter" and her son my answer is a strong, emphatic, NO!!!
Margie and Josh in January

Margie last Wednesday while she was still able to smile.  No smiles today.


  1. My heart is so sad for Margie tonight! I hope she's doing better!

    1. Thank you so much, Becky. She is in the hospital tonight having two units of blood. She and the nurses assured me that she would be alright and would probably sleep as she is exhausted. They promised to call me if needed. I felt coming home and being with Josh a little while before bedtime was needed more than being with Margie who is being well taken care of.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Lindsey, keep those prayers going and ask others to pray for her as well.

  3. I'm with you on smoking Drue. Neither Darrell or I ever smoked, but both our children have. Katie started as a teen when upset with me for some reason knowing it would be the one thing that really hurt me. Took her twice using a prescription drug to beat the habit. The second time she had counseling too. Alex started in Iraq, I'm sure as a stress release, but has yet to beat the habit. Breaks my heart as I talked to them since they were in my womb about never smoking.

    I'll keep praying for Margie and Josh. I'm sure this is very hard on him too.

  4. Thanks for your post Becky. Parents have worries over their children long after they are grown, don't they?
