Thursday, January 22, 2015

Okay, Drue! Remember Your Motto!

I have come to the conclusion that I need to take my motto seriously.  Remember what it is:  "Remember, It's Not All About Me!"
Since July, I have had health issues with little let-up between them.  Recently I have been in severe pain from time to time with something much like gallbladder pain.  However, my gallbladder went to wherever bad gallbladders so almost 7 years ago. On January 9th I had an "attack" that lasted from about 10 at night and was still with me at 5:30 the next morning. I went to the hospital where I was admitted from early Sunday Morning on 10th and put through all sorts of tests from then until Monday evening around 7:00 pm when I was dismissed.  Nothing new was found!  So, we're treating "nothing" at the time by eating lightly and all that good stuff.  So, poor old pitiful me......I've had "me" in the forefront now for 1/2 year and I'm tired of keeping that sort of company.
After my last major attack a couple of nights ago I did what I should have done 6 or so months ago.  First I prayed (of course I've been doing that) and then the Lord and I decided the best thing to do is to get busy at least thinking of others whether I can do a lot for them yet or not.  We decided I would no longer wallow in pity about people not doing what I thought they should be doing for me, but to be thankful for all that is being done to make me better.  Then we decided I need to study His word more and I'm trying to do that as well.  And finally we agreed to get in my old habit of laughing!
That's what I want to share with you today......just a few personal funnies that have come to mind that you might find a bit humorous. I'm one of those odd ones who enjoy laughing at myself.  In fact, sometimes I crack myself up!
My mother once told me that when I was about 2 or 3 Daddy was teasing (he was a BIG tease) and said,  "I'm going to turn over a new leaf around this house."  She said I looked up from whatever I was doing and commented,  "Well, Daddy, then I'll just have to tear it out then."
Again, when I was in grade school the following happened.  My sweet, kind, loving aunt had a husband that I considered a grouch.  He might not have been, but that was my perception. One Thanksgiving he swallowed a turkey bone and had to go to a hospital 50 miles away for surgery.  He was there several days and when he came home I went over to check on him.  He seemed to be a changed man.  I couldn't wait to get home and tell Mother,  "Mother, you won't believe this but they cut all the grouch out of Uncle Clarence!"
Here I am at 7-years-old
Later, in High School I was asked to enter a speech contest through the American Legion using the title,  "How to Keep Our Youth in the South."  I wasn't the least bit shy (can you believe that!) but told them I would think about it.  I mulled over it for a few days and decided not to.  However, I went to hear my friend expound on the topic.  Boy, oh boy, oh boy am I ever thankful I didn't agree!  My thoughts were staying youthful such as exercising, eating properly, getting plenty of sunshine, etc.  Think about it.....that was NOT what they had in mind. I saved myself and the American Legion in Notasulga, Alabama a lot of embarrassment by turning down that invitation!
Soon after we married I was walking down Railroad Avenue in Opelika, Alabama and noticed a display out in front of one of the stores.  There was a stack of bed pillows on a table with a large sign, "Beat This!"  I picked up one, balled up my fist, drew back and realized that was NOT what they meant!  Beat the price.....NOT the pillow!
I know most of you are wondering if I passed this amazing ability on to my offspring.  Well, I definitely did to a couple of them. 
When we moved to Huntsville from Baton Rouge back in 1961 we contracted to have a new house built.  Each day we drove out and watered the lawn as there was supposed to be a lawn in place before the final papers were signed.  So, each day we loaded up the family (we only had 4 children at the time) and headed out to take care of our soon-to-be property.  There was a portion of Mastin Lake Road that was not paved at the time.  Once we came up on a truck that was watering the road to keep the dust down.  Three-year-old Paula asked,  "What is that truck watering the road for?'  Before we could answer she replied,  "Oh I know.  It's to make it grow!"  It must have worked as it wasn't long until the road was no longer dirt but was paved.
Then another time about the same time as the above Paula was standing with the refrigerator door wide open looking inside.  I said,  "Close that refrigerator door."  She looked puzzled and reminded me,  "Momma, my name's not 'Door'."
Sharon, who was our sensitive child, was sitting on the front steps with Rose Coleman when we were visiting them in Hamilton, New Zealand back in the mid-1960's.  Needing attention she looked up at Rose and said,  "Rose, feel my head and see if I have a headache."
Sharon has also passed this ability down to her children.  Makes a Momma proud.  When her oldest, Sarah was in first grade her teacher knew her well as they were members of the same church as Sharon and her family.  Sarah was a talker (I keep wondering where she inherited that!)  The teacher had asked her to quit talking several times and finally said,  "Sarah, this is the last time I'm going to tell you to be quiet." Sarah was so relieved and replied, "Oh good!"
I'm full of remembering my special "funnies" today and could share a lot more but you might not enjoy them nearly as much as I do.  So.....until next time......See you later and have a wonderful God-filled day. And I'll keep remembering......"It's Not All About Me."
Proverbs 17:22....A cheerful heart is good medicine: but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.


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