Thursday, August 14, 2014

A Bump in the Road....Maybe

Many of you know that we have decided on another adventure in our lives.  We are planning to move to Huntsville, Alabama in order to be closer to more family.  This move is not a fly-by-night decision as we have thought, discussed and prayed for quite awhile about it.  There are many reasons we would like to stay right here until the end.  Some of them being:
1.  We have been accustomed to being anywhere from a few minutes to a little over an hour from our youngest son, Frank since 1986.  He lives about 45 minutes from us at present.
2.  He was married last December to a lovely lady who we are getting closer and closer to and love as our own.  Just as this relationship is growing we hate to leave her.
3.  Frank's two boys have always had Granddad and Grandma close by and we have a relationship with them that distance will not sever, though we love being close enough to see them often.  At the moment 22 year old, Jordan is in Columbus, Ohio  which is about one and a half to two hours away.  Landen, on the other hand, will be closer when we move to Huntsville as he is attending Freed-Hardeman University in Henderson, Tennessee.

Jordan, Becky, Frank and Landen Wright
December 21, 2013


4.  We love our house and it is the "old homestead" to most of the grandchildren.  However, it is just that.....a house!  Wherever we live will be home to all of our family.
5.  Our Church Family is near and dear to us.  We have grown to love them more than most of them can comprehend.  It will be hard leaving them.  Doyal has preached here.....sometimes sharing the pulpit, but in recent years preaching each Sunday.....since 1989 or 1990.  We have both taught Bible classes as long.  I love my children and will certainly hate to leave them.

Some of my Bible class students with our adopted daughter, Margie.
April 2014 right after her lung surgery.

6.  We enjoy living in Lawrenceburg and especially enjoy the distinct seasons.

My Bible class children in our back yard.

There are other reasons we hate to leave but here are a few reasons we have decided to make the move at this time.
1.  We are getting a bit older (84 and 79 respectively.)

2.  In Huntsville there are 33 family members living less than 10 miles. By the time we get there there could be 7 more making it 42 counting the two of us.
3.  IF we ever need assistance it won't be left up to just one family member to take care of us......there will be several who will be willing to share the burden.

Just a few of the family members in Huntsville.

4.  We know lots of people in Huntsville already and will not have to be concerned about finding new friends...although I know we will find some.

Our oldest (the one we've had the longest) friend in Huntsville, Nancy Cantrell.
Two of my newest friends in the area, Pat Blair and Mary Ann Wallace

We were planning to rent either a small house or apartment until Claudia talked us into moving in with her.  So, now we're making plans to re-arrange her life! She has three bedrooms at the present time.  When we get there she will have hers, we'll have the one she has been calling ours since she bought the house and the three of us will share the other as a study/guest room.  Our first order of business will be a large storage shed which we'll have installed before our arrival.  Then, the next thing will be a large screened-in back porch as extra living space.  Later if we think we need/want it, we will build in the garage for another living area.  When all of her 15 grandchildren come these old folks might decide we need to lock ourselves in another room.  (Just joking....we love all of them!)

Doyal busy at work with the drawings for the new screened-in porch.

Claudia came up last week end to help start packing and moving.  You should have seen that girl go!  She had her little Nissan hatchback packed like I've never seen a car packed before.  A few more trips like that and we might not have to rent a truck!  I really don't think she will be able to fit our couch or bed in there though.  Ha.

Sweet, wonderful, hard working Claudia Beth
We've been hard at work today going through file cabinets, reorganizing and pitching things.

So now for the bump in the road.  Yesterday we had a follow-up appointment with our doctor after having blood drawn last week.  I was pretty good except that he says I'm pre-diabetic which I have been for awhile.  On the other hand, healthy-as-a-horse Doyal, still had low red and white blood count and also platelets.  All three were a little bit up  from the test in April though.  Dr. Eiler thinks his problem is Myelodysplasia.  He also thinks the rash all over his body is caused from that as well.  Of course he can't be sure unless he does further testing. For the time being Doyal has decided to do nothing.  This will not keep us from just makes me want to get to Huntsville sooner to be nearer more family. 
Today we started walking again and I have given up Cokes.  (Sad). I plan to start cooking better meals as well.  These are some of the things Dr. Eiler suggested.....not cooking better meals because I didn't volunteer to tell him how I cooked.
It is beautiful walking on the levee and watching the traffic up and down the Ohio River less than 3 miles from our house.

I solicit your prayers for Doyal's health and for us as we prepare another chapter in our lives!

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:........." 
 Ecclesiastes 3:1 and following.

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