I haven't posted anything on my blog since January 4 and I've certainly missed it. Many (well.....perhaps three or four) have asked why and when. I have a lot of "whys." Actually there are too many to go into detail. I'll sum it up by saying this: Computer problems that wiped out everything, two different Google accounts that confused me, turning 79 and realizing my brain is fast fading (it doesn't understand technology as it once did.....hey, wait! It never did understand technology, so scratch that excuse), had to have major help getting back on my account.....(Thanks to my favorite Dyer grandson who spent a "few" hours, I'm back up and running). And further, we were on a two month long trip and I did very little on the computer, came home and spent three weeks pretty much in bed. Now I'm feeling 95% and ready to get back in the swing of things so maybe I'll post more often for the many who are begging me to post. Oh well, as I said the three of four and begging is a stretch also, it just makes me feel better and as I have said before, "It's ALL About ME!" Is that really what I said.....Nope the statement was, "It's NOT All About Me." So, first of all:
What would I do without my tech-smart grandson!
Next, and briefly if that is possible: We are planning to get back to our Alabama roots within the next year. We have been married 61 years, 3 month and 24 days as of tonight at 6 pm CST and have lived in this house 25 years, 3 months and 28 days. Because of these years, and the fact that we are both "savers," we have a LOT of stuff. Much of it is of no interest to anyone except us so we are trying our best to work on at least one room each week and get it cleaned, sorted and packed. We're having success with many of the rooms but now are working on the study. Wow! This IS work because we tend to read every paper, bulletin, sermon, etc. etc. before we let them go to the land of no return....the shredder!
Our baby daughter, Sharon, and her husband spent two nights with us on their way back from northern Ohio where they went to be with John's mother who is quite ill. During the time they were here our grandson, Jordan was here for a night. Sharon and Jordan, with my supervision, got our bedroom closet cleaned out and organized and after Jordan left Sharon got a hard-to-reach kitchen cabinet emptied and put the few things back in that we just can't live without. This was a huge help!
Sharon and Jordan at the airport when we took Jordan for his trip to Florida to spend time with Frank and Becky.
I won't bore you with anything else on this post. Will leave you with the following words from one of my favorite songs:
"This world is not my home, I'm just a passing thru.
My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue;
The angels beckon me from heaven's open door,
And I can't feel at home in this world anymore."
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