Friday, September 27, 2013

Suggestions From a Common Citizen to Solve our Crisis in Washington.

Land That I Love
There is no greater place on earth than the good old U.S.A
Let's keep it that way

I am not a politician...not by a long shot. I’m not even considered political. Now, don’t get me wrong. I search out candidates and their backgrounds, platforms etc and vote. I believe in democracy and the American way and all that good stuff.
So here is my take (solution) to the problem the government is in today. Not all the problems, mind you.....just the one all over the news of the government shutting down unless something is done quickly.
Let’s ask (demand) that the president, senators and representatives all be sequestered to their chambers for at least until the end of the year. They are not to leave except for eating and sleeping and then the food is to be brought fancy meals with wine and champagne. The typical day’s menu I would suggest is as follows:
Bacon and/or sausage
Toast with butter
Coffee or Tea
Choice of juice
Soup. Make this a hearty soup as they are going to be busy. Also a different kind each day unless there are enough left-overs for another meal.)
Crackers and/or Cornbread
Water, Iced Tea, Coffee or Tea
Supper (or as some might call it, dinner.)
A different meat each day of the week. Suggested meats are: Hamburger (this can be in casseroles, as hamburgers, spaghetti, etc.), Fish, Chicken, Pork and Turkey.
Two or three vegetables.
Pasta or Potatoes
Rolls (homemade)
One dessert each day that can be at a time of their choice. Coffee can be served with this.
Before each meal there will be a prayer of Thanksgiving.
Now, my further recommendations concerning time out of chambers. Each one should have 10 hours out of chambers in order to shower (please EVERYDAY for this), one 30 minute phone call to family, and 8 hours of sleep. Also there will be 10 minutes given for bathroom breaks each hour.  And no smoking at any time! 
Sleeping arrangements would be as follows: Stay at the Capitol or White House (surely there is plenty of room in both.) One Democrat and one Republican per room. This includes the president, as his wife and children will be at Days Inn or equivalent during this time. (I like Days Inn!)  At this time they are to share personal things about themselves, their hopes and dreams for their families and their country.....but NO politics! And right before lights out they should take turns leading in prayer.

Very nice "hotels", don't you agree?
The daily meetings should begin with scripture reading and a prayer for guidance. The meetings each day should end the same way.....scripture reading and prayer.  I would suggest a citizen from each district be present at all meetings and if anyone is caught napping, disinterested, playing on their phones, I-pads etc, interrupting or trying to argue they be reprimanded by a sharp tap on the shoulder, hand or head with an appropriate sized switch or stick.....nothing huge, mind you, just large enough to get their attention.  Hey, I'll volunteer for this duty!
I suppose that would be enough suggestions for now but will have to finish this off with the most important of all.........
During this time they will not get any salary from their government job or anywhere else, and neither will their spouses. Oh yes, and the families of these fine people will not be taking any vacations while their spouses are away nor for one year after their "release." All of the money they would have earned (and I am probably using that term loosely when thinking of some of them) would go toward the deficit.
Think anyone will take me up on this? I think not!


  1. Becky and I think you are brilliant. We volunteer to use the stick too!


    1. Thanks. That's four of us volunteering now. Might be a fun job and a free trip to D.C.
